All services provided by UNHCR, IOM, and partners are FREE. Do not trust anyone asking you to pay for service relating to the ‘Safe Mobility’ initiative.

Data Protection information 

Read detailed information on the processing of your personal data within the context of the Safe Mobility initiative.

Country-specific data protection information

General data protection information

Enquiries and complaints

If you have questions or concerns about how your data is processed by UNHCR and IOM in the context of the Safe Mobility initiative, you can email [email protected] or call the Safe Mobility contact center at the toll-free numbers below.

Colombia: 0 1800 519 0665

Costa Rica: 0800 032 0009

Ecuador: 1800 001667

Guatemala: 1 800 3000 203

If you wish to lodge a complaint to UNHCR and/or IOM about how your data is being processed, or complain about any other matter, please write to the Inspector-General at the relevant organization. You can lodge a complaint to the IOM Inspector General’s Office at [email protected] or to the UNHCR Inspector General’s Office through its web page or by email at [email protected].