Please be aware that all services provided by UNHCR, IOM and partner organizations are free of charge.

Do not trust anyone asking you to pay for services relating to ‘Safe Mobility’.

Following a decision by the US government, the Safe Mobility Initiative is no longer active.

• New applications will not be accepted.

• If your case was already referred to the United States for resettlement under the Safe Mobility Initiative, more information will follow shortly. You do not need to take any action at this time.

Please be careful of possible scams and fraudulent messages or offers.

Please trust only official information channels.
In case of any doubt, please contact us at the following toll-free numbers:

  • From Colombia: 0 1800 519 0665
  • From Costa Rica: 0800 032 0009
  • From Ecuador: 1800 001667
  • From Guatemala: 1 800 3000 203

Remember that all UNHCR and IOM services are free of charge, including all resettlement services.

To learn more about how your personal data will be processed in the context of the Safe Mobility initiative, please visit our data protection information.